One late night of my freshman year I was with a group of new friends, and we were discussing the future. I was majoring in Biology and Chemistry and loved all things science. When someone asked me where I saw myself in five years, I burst into tears and retreated to my dorm room. The image I saw of myself was not of me at a microscope, but of me preaching, teaching, and holding the hands of those who were ill or grieving.
Not. My. Plan.
I flunked that year, but with the help of the Clerk of Session at my home church (also the Admissions Counselor at Buff State) I enrolled part-time the following year. What followed was seven years of avoiding the inevitable. In the meantime, I worked multiple jobs (often at the same time) as a Zoo educator, a waitress, various retail positions…. and as a Christian Educator. Apparently, I could run, but I couldn’t hide. I received my Bachelors in the areas of Philosophy and Anthropology, but the real education was one of the heart and spirit. I answered the Call.
I attended Union Theological Seminary in NYC and during those years also fell in love with my husband, Bill. It was with incredible joy that I accepted my first call to serve the church in Attica, NY. We were soon blessed with our daughter, Ella. I went on to serve churches in NJ (Metuchen and Roselle) and then answered the call to mid-council work and served as the Director of Congregational Development and Mission for National Capital Presbytery and then as the Resource Presbyter for the Presbytery of Cayuga-Syracuse. Somewhere in all of that, I completed a PhD in Organizational Ministry.
My work now is serving as a Bridge Pastor with congregations that find themselves in the middle of things. OHPC is between the ministry of a much beloved Pastor (who is now delighting in retirement) and wherever God may call this church to go next.
On the personal side… Bill and I live on the west side of Syracuse (near Salt City Market), with McCallister Cat. Ella lives in Poughkeepsie with her wife, Rachyl. We have a camp just outside of Camden, NY where I pretend to garden. I never leave the house without knitting, a book to read, and a notebook to scrawl ideas, hopes, and dreams.
I’m so glad I (finally!) answered the Call, and I’m grateful to be ministering with OHPC.