Future Sermons

10.30.22  Luke 18.1-8 Who Is Your Widow? The parable is primarily about worship. In worship our pride gets judged and even conquered. We are forced by church to stop looking at ourselves and to turn our eyes upon Jesus.

11.13.22 What God Has Done Over the Past 20 years in Papua, New Guinea” (We welcome Bud & Bonnie Morton)

11.20.22  Colossians 1.11-20 On Defeating the Powers We live in a world in the grip of unseen powerful forces…”the powers.” Those powers jerk us around, pull our strings, get our goats, and try to make us slaves. But thanks be to God JESUS CHRIST IS LORD! He has on the cross DEFEATED THE POWERS. Christians are those who know that the powers have been defeated…

11.27.22 Advent 1  Psalm 139.1-18, Lamentations 3.21-26 God With Us Series Part 1: God With Us Brings HopeThe Scriptures portray a long journey of hope. This morning we’ll encourage a rekindling of hope and think about hope based on God’s word, and hope based on God’s character, and hope based on God’s faithfulness

12.4.22 Advent 2   1 John 4.7-21 God With Us Series Part 2: God With Us Brings Love Love is a word that is thrown around today and used in so many contexts…and it is experienced on so many different levels. What would the story of Mary and Joe look like as a love story…a love story that showed us something about God’s love

12.11.22 Advent 3   Luke 1.39-57 God With us Series Part 3: God With Us Brings Joy To understand Elizabeth’s joy you have to understand her pain (from her childlessness)

12.24.22 Christmas Eve Matthew 1.18-25 Hebrews 1.1-4 God With Us Series: Baby Talk Baby Talk! After trying all these years to get through to us, the God of Israel attempts a remarkable experiment in communication. God comes to us as the Son, a baby in a manger. Here in the Flesh is The Word made flesh, dwelling among us, a sign, a visible embodiment of God’s great love for us…

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