Witness & Evangelism


The Witness & Evangelism Ministry Area provides an important communication link both in the church and out in the community. In this day of technology and high pace lifestyles, there is a growing need for “drive thru prayers”, “on the run Sermons” and “information at your fingertips”.

We have a Pray Box near the St. Pauly clothing donation shed in the rear of the parking lot. Sometimes just knowing that another person has heard your prayer, can lift your heart. Your prayers can be anonymous or be responded to if you wish. Either way, you will be prayed for.

Sermons are live feed to YouTube that can be listened to whenever you want. Which fits the now very busy lifestyles. Tap out for a little while and relax while listening to the sermons on your time. You deserve that brief moment of peace.

Our website can provide much information of the goings on of the church, upcoming events and much more. We hope that you will take the time to check us out in person too. You will find us friendly and welcoming. Stop by and say hi.

We hope to fit our church to your needs and possibly bring a little God into your life.

Peace be with you all.

Steve Arnold & Ryan Collins
Witness & Evangelism chairs.


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