Part 1: No Other Gods Exodus 20:1-7
This morning we are beginning a new sermon series I’ll call: “Lenten Take-On’s: The 10 Commandments.” Instead of thinking about what we might consider ‘giving up’ for Lent, how about we think about ‘taking on’ a study of this Biblical Top 10 List! This morning we will think together about the context of the commandments, a potential significance of the order, and the VERY important significance of having no other gods. This series will be dovetail with Sunday Seminar discussions on the 10 commandments as well, as per the request last Spring when we evaluated our programming…and will be an update to ‘upgrade’ our perceptions of those ancient tablets.
Part 2: A Jealous God
Part 2 in our Lenten series. God doesn’t tolerate human created images or IDEAS that reduce God to less than God is. Exodus 20:4-7
Part 3: The Sabbath Rest Exodus 20: 8-11
The main commandment is not simply about rest. Sabbath is linked to creation, freedom from oppression, and above all God’s authority. In resting from our own work, we are reminded that we are not in control, but that GOD IS! Isn’t that a relief? What’s in your Sabbath?
Part 4: Honoring your Parents
Please watch the following YouTube video of today’s Sermon.
Part 5: Protecting Life Exodus 20: 13 Exodus 20: 16
God’s concern that humans seek to preserve and protect life is seen in the 6th 9th commandments. Rather than simply being prohibitive of negative behavior, they also call us to use words and actions to build one another and to increase
Part 6: Desire Exodus 20: 14-15, 17
Part 6 in our Lenten Series. Commandments 7, 8 and 10 speak to our interpersonal relationships and boundaries. The 10th summarizes those preceding but focuses on the heart and not simply actions. It also relates back to the first commandment and the desire of our hearts. (We see something of the heart of God as we think about Jesus’ ride into Jerusalem).