Sermon December 5th, 2021
The Inn—Housing the Holy “A Place at the Table (Peace)”
First Reading
Baruch 5: 1-5 (CEB)
Take off your mourning clothes and oppression, Jerusalem! Dress yourself in the dignity of God’s glory forever. Wrap the justice that comes from God around yourself like a robe.
Place the eternal one’s glory on your head like a crown. God will show your brilliance everywhere under heaven. God will give you this name by which to be called forever:
The Peace that Comes from Justice The Honor that Comes from Reverence for God!
Get up, Jerusalem! Stand on the high place, and look around to the east! See your children gathered from the west to the east by the holy one’s word, as they rejoice that God has remembered them.
Second Reading
Philippians 1:9-11 (CEB)
This is my prayer: that your love might become even more and more rich with knowledge and all kinds of insight. I pray this so that you will be able to decide what really matters and so you will be sincere and blameless on the day of Christ. I pray that you will then be filled with the fruit of righteousness, which comes from Jesus Christ, in order to give glory and praise to God.
Week Two in the Series: The Inn: Housing the Holy
A Place at the Table (Peace)
There seems to be a lot of gloom and doom in the world today that is of course intensified but the pandemic. In this new Advent sermon series that will take us up through Christmas Eve, we will try to be focused on how God’s story is playing out in the midst of all that is harsh. And it is a story that points to an ending where everything has become new. The scriptures in this series point us to what is right and good and how we are to be in community together…caring with and for one another, especially the poor and will make us think about what it means to house the Holy.